Challenge 2: Dare to choose!

You make choices every day. Often, they are simple, like your sandwich spread, which clothes you’ll wear, or what you want to watch on Netflix. You probably don’t pay much attention to most choices.

Other choices require a little bit more thought, like where you will go to on holiday. Or which party you want to go to when you are invited to three on the same night, and you still need to work or study before.

And there are choices which cause a lot of stress. In our society there are endless possibilities and opportunities, which makes making a choice even more difficult. How do you choose between hundreds of study programs? Or whether you want to continue your education or start working? And how do you decide where you’re going to live? The bigger the consequences of your choices are, the more choice-overload you experience. And choosing nothing is actually a choice too…

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Today’s assignments focus on what you want, so that you can make choices based on your own values.

Assignment 1. Think about what you want!

Making choices is easier when you know what you want and what you find important. This assignment helps you gain more insight into these questions. Download this pdf or grab a pen and paper and go through the following steps. Don’t think about what other people would fill out. It’s about you.

Step 1. Decide what you find important

1. Ask yourself: what do I find important in life; which values do I find important?

To help you, we have listed several examples of values from which you can choose below. But feel free to add your own.

  • Rest or challenges
  • Connectedness or independence
  • Alone or together
  • Leading or following
  • Stability or freedom
  • Quality or quantity
  • Fun or wealth

Other examples of positive personal values are trust, religion/spirituality, honesty, love, loyalty, safety, and security.

2. Make a top 5 of the values that you find important and which you want to manifest in your life. List them in order of importance.

Step 2. Set goals

Answer the following questions:

  1. Where am I now? How am I (mentally, physically, financially, and personally)?
  2. Where do I want to go? Write down three personal goals which you find important. Tip: write all the goals that you can think of. Then, select which goals are relevant now and which later. Also decide which 3 goals you want to work on this year.

Assignment 2. Make a choice

Do you have to make an important choice (soon)? Grab your lists of values and goals and make your choice using them!

And keep in mind, sometimes you might have to say no to something and set boundaries with the people around you.

And realize:
Making a choice sometimes feels like you are making a choice for life, like it is permanent, and you can’t go back. In most cases, this is not true. You can make changes to most choices or even take them back. It is not the end of the world if you realize that the study or job you chose is actually not right for you or that it is different than you expected. It’s okay if you feel disappointed or let down but try to see this a learning process. These things make life fun and challenging.

Contact the helpdesk

Do you feel a lot of pressure to perform, and do you want personal help or advice? Reach out (anonymously) to one of our staff members at our helpdesk MIND Korrelatie. You can call, chat, Whatsapp, or e-mail with one of our psychologists or social workers.